The Center of my being

Good Morning. Beautiful Day. I awoke this morning with was surfing the net and reading the trend. It stated that yesterday,  evidentally  was,… “Daughter’s Day”. Who knew? Huh? I am not the least bit surprised, I mean, America has a dedicated day for everything imaginable. What I do know, is the blessing of having a beautiful, blooming, every changing, wise beyond her years, honest and talented daughter. A secret wish I held inside since I was a young child myself. To be blessed with a daughter, and find my prince charming.  I had an extraordinary mother, friend, confidant and mentor. I was extremely close to my mother. We were quite alike in many ways, and, quite different in others. I believe now, my baby is 25, that I too have an extraordinary relationship with my own baby girl. One I cherish, One, I am thankful for everyday. One that continues to grow and amaze me with each passing year. One, loving, caring young woman who has been my champion, my sounding board, held me and cried with me through my grief and loss. Cheerleaded me through my victories and promotions. She loves me, takes care of me, how blessed am I?. Very.  My little dreamer, a creative little creature with many hidden talents and ever so bright. I often reflect on the shy little girl who clung to my thigh and hid her pale sparkly blue eyes.  Today, she stands an inch or two taller than I, she has a hearty, high pitched laugh that is full of love and joy.  A mane of auburn thick long hair, and tiny little freckles here and there… Yes, my friends, it goes that fast. In a blink, she is a woman, on her own, staking a claim, making a difference, melting my heart and winning in the game of love & life. She explores every aspect of living. She has motivation, faith in her heart, she is good inside.  I admire her. I am proud of how she sets goals, enjoys the finer things in life, yet appreciates nature and simplicity. She is a mini Martha Stewart and we enjoy sharing recipes, crafts, festivals, shopping and pampering ourselves together. I have a bestie now, just like me and my Mama.  We talk daily, we spend time together weekly. She shares from her heart, we talk about everything and anything. We are in sync, she helps me find humor in so many quirky everyday things.  We have mommy & me time and belly laughs and heart to hearts.  I respect her. I trust her, somewhere, somehow, I must have done something right. I look at her and for a moment feel the stars align. She is a forced to be reckoned with. Strong with her opinions and vocal with her beliefs and feelings too.  My daughter, has worked so hard at loving herself. Learned the importance of taking care of herself, her health, her mind & body & spirit are aligning.  It is beautiful to watch and sit on the sidelines and cheer. Inside, I am elated.  All a mother truly wants, is to see their child be happy. Be loved, be kind and generous. A mother feels her child in her soul.  She hurts when they hurt. If only my daughter knew of my overflowing pride and joy I carry deeply inside, she would see her pale, sweet freckled face, smiling and giggling with me.

So, Happy Daughter’s Day to all the beautiful, strong, committed, brilliant young girls. One day, you certainly all will rule the world.  *peace


~ leelee

#loveutothemoon&backDDno one else

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